Hello Beloved Readers,

I know by just reading the title of this post, you must be wondering, WHAT??? Another Big Chop??? Don't Fret y'all, i only went to the barbers to get the fro in a nice shape as i still had some relaxed hair on the ends and it wasnt't CUTE. Here is a before and after pic, its a few inches shorter but im officially 100% natural and i have healthy beautiful kinky coily curly hair. You get what I mean ;-). LOL

Before Barber's Shape Up
Barber's Shape Up

Thursday was the first time the British Public saw me with my uber short hair LOL, i didn't really style up my TWA as i was only heading to the barbers for a trim and there was no need for gels etc. I only mist the hair with my Leave-in Mist and the used an afro pik to pick out the hair. (see pic on the left). Instead of styling the hair, i focused on accessories instead, i wore my big studs and my sunnies(sunglasses) and was ready to step out and show off my new hair :-). Let this pic speak for itself. LOL

What do you think?

So after i came back from the barber, i co-washed my hair with Inecto Coconut Oil Instant Repair Treatment Conditioner, my hair didnt like it (maybe cos its a DC- Deep Conditoner) so i used my normal one which is the Inecto Coocnut Oil Moisture Infusing Conditioner (smells like coconut heaven). Just before puting twisting the hair, i sprayed a little bit of water on the hair and then applied the Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in Conditioning Repair Cream and then did two strand twists all over. it wasnt really perfect twists but who cares about perfection? it took just over an hour with the help of my lil sis to twist all the hair.

Just before bedtime, i sprayed my leave in mist and tied a scarf and slept in a satin bonnet. In the morning, i applied Castor Oil and Tea Tree Oil to my scalp, massaged it in and the moisturised with my Whipped Shea Butter Cream and then sealed with Hot Six Oil. Before i unravelled the twist, i used the Hot Six oil to coat each twist before opening them up, I cant remember where i read it from, but it makes the hair less frizzy and seal the ends at the same time. I didnt know what to expect from the twist out but i like how they turned out in the end.  Perfect for Church . See for yourself.

L. O. V. E      I.T!!!!

Have a great weekend, Everyone!!!!!
Stay Blessed


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